Breaking through Writer’s Block

So you want to write a book? Great. But wait, you aren’t sure what to do next. How are you supposed to write a book? Where do you start? What do you need? What if I get writer’s block? These are all questions that many authors have. And rightly so…I mean, we have to deal with the book writing process being a lot different than just writing. But, while it can seem daunting, it doesn’t have to be that way. Let me help by discussing some of my favorite ways to move past writer’s block (and finally get the book completed).

Writer’s Block is a common problem for anyone writing a book. Whatever stage of the process, something will inevitably creep up to interfere. Many tips, tricks, and ideas are floating around to help self-motivated individuals fight their way through the blockade. But, sometimes a writer needs some individualized coaching, someone from an outside perspective, someone with experience that can bring scope and promise to your project. If you want to talk to a Writing Coach, schedule a consultation to see if it’s the right fit for you and your project.

Meanwhile, here are some ideas to help you move forward. Most people who attempt to write a book suffer from writer’s block at some point. If it hasn’t happened to you yet, trust me, it will. It happens even to the best of us, and when you get stuck in this phase, it makes for a miserable writing experience. The best thing about writer’s block is that there are ways you can overcome it and complete a book.

Generative Writing

Sit down (or stand) to write or type. Set a timer and just let the words pour out. Stream of consciousness writing is a very useful way to unlock the stuck parts of the mind and build on ideas and thoughts. By pouring out words without worrying about sound, sense, or order, writers will often find their way back to drafting the main project.

Engage the Senses

Take a break from writing and reading to do something that feels different. Cooking a snack, talking a walk, or lighting a candle are all activities that engage the sense of smell, of touch, sight, and sound in different ways than typing or writing. Writing involves so much more than simply forming words and creating readable content. In order to keep creative juices flowing, the writer has to intentionally engage in creative outlets and sensory inputs.


Sometimes writers need a gold star. Writing a book is a long and arduous process. It is often isoltaing and lonely. You will spend long hours working alone. Find a way to build in rewards. Make a short list of things that make you happy or feel good. Maybe it’s a sticker or a small toy you can unwrap after every hour of writing. It could be a trip to your favorite coffee shop. Maybe it’s 15 minutes of video games or one episode of your favorite sitcom. A reward system is a great way to keep up the motivation to finish writing a book.

Breaking through writer’s block is about temporarily changing something so you can refocus the mind and start up the creative flow of writing. Try these methods on your own, but think about engaging a Writing Coach to help you through some of the more difficult times. Writing is fun and rewarding, but sometimes it is a chore. Contact a Writing Coach today to see if it fits your project well.